This report, based on the award-winning The Relooping Fashion -project, presents a model of the circular textile industry. The report is written in collaboration by Ethica and VTT Technical Research Center of Finland. The goal of the “Model of a Circular Business Ecosystem for Textiles” -report is to present a vision for the future circular textile industry and its actors, material flows, and key processes. Although the model is based on a national project, it can be applied in any country or region. The report also includes an overview of the international key developments, projects, and solutions in the context of textiles and a circular economy.

Circular business ecosystems are business ecosystems, which together create products, solutions and services based on the principles of a circular economy and apply circular business models in their way of operating and doing business. Materials flow through the hierarchical value cycles of maintenance, reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling, and nothing is wasted.

You can download the report here