Hartaanselänranta will have the Finnish Housing Fare in 2025. One of the main themes of the fare these last years has been sustainable living.


City of Oulu




Tuuli Kassi
Lilli Linkola
Nasti Korhonen

The commission was won in a design competition, where Ethica weaved circular solutions into the core of the urban plan. The design team was led by Muuan Architects.

To set out in the right direction, we specified sustainability goals for the planning work. We worked with the urban design team to find the best solutions for the area, for example most of the existing buildings were left as integral parts of the new area and new builds are for the most part posed on brownland leaving nature in the area untouched.

Our analyses sparred the city officials to rethink park maintenance practices towards local composting of green wastes for less waste transport in the area. Critical limiting and promoting features were also identified to allow sharing economy solutions to take ground in the area. In the future the area will offer living close to nature and the city center at the same time.

Ethica was able to integrate circular solutions seamlessly into the Hartaanselkä master plan and gave the project team a whole new perspective into urban planning.” 

– Ritva Kuusisto, Project Manager, City of Oulu