Has your company created a positive vision for the future through circular economy approach and climate change targets? What’s your ambition level?

One of the leading lights is Interface, a Dutch carpet manufacturer. First their goal was Mission Zero, in other words, to become a company without any negative impact on the environment. The goal they set for themselves a couple of years ago, steps up the game to the next level: Take Climate Back programme, which tackles climate crisis and aims towards a Interface’s climate positive impact. One of the concrete results of Take Climate Back is a carpet that sequesters carbon. Instead of seeing carbon only as an enemy, they have started using is as raw material.

The key towards the circular economy business model is design. By design I’m referring to a micro and macro level strategic planning and execution. The micro level is about designing the product of safe and non-toxic materials for multiple lifecycles and premium customer experience. The macro level means developing supporting circular systems including business logic, circular partner network and reverse logistics.