The study, involving 26 companies undergoing Green Transition from Finland, highlights several key value drivers for the circular economy. A critical part of the study focuses on efficiently capturing the buyer’s voice and the study aims to understand what buyers truly need and prioritize when purchasing green transition services, and how these insights can be utilized by management in strategic decision-making. To address this, the study investigates different stakeholder perspectives, including strategists, R&D managers, and sustainability managers, to better understand their unique needs and priorities.

“The study does break some new ground in advancing a practical understanding of circular economy, as well as in advancing methods that help make that understanding an actionable business opportunity, which is commendable in an EMBA thesis.” – Assessment of Paula Vastela‘s EMBA development project (thesis), Hanken School of Economics

The most important priority found in the study is creating value chain solutions that enable circular economy growth. Further the study found that innovating circular economy models for profitable business is crucial together with partnering with customers. Additionally there is a big focus on learning and skills related to the circular economy.

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